Children's Court Criminal Defence Work

If you are under the age of 18 and have been charged by police; or are the parent or carer of a child who has matters in the Children’s Court, it is critical that you have someone representing you who understands that the Children’s Court is a special and unique area of law.  You need a lawyer with experience in the Children’s Court to ensure the rights of the young person are protected.

The Children’s Court is not the same as adult Court.  Children are afforded special rights and privileges before the Court, and these must be scrupulously observed.  There can be serious and long consequences for children who appear in the Children’s Court if their matter is not dealt with properly.  Contrary to what some people believe, a Children’s Court criminal record may have lasting impacts on a young person’s life, including future employment and freedom to travel.  There are also orders that can be made in the Children’s Court, including being named on the Child Protection Register, which will substantially impact a person’s adult life.  

Caulfield Solicitors will represent and advise any child who finds themselves involved with police, including young offenders who find themselves in police custody for the first time and require advice.

If any child is required to appear before the Children’s Court, our firm is committed to providing that child with all the protection they should be afforded before any Court.  We have experience successfully defending matters where the rights of a child have not been properly observed.

We also understand that the process of appearing in the Children’s Court can affect both the child and the family.  It is important to us that the child comes first, but where required we will ensure that family, and support services are also properly involved in the legal process.

Our Principal Solicitor has a wealth of experience in the Children’s Court jurisdiction.  She has appeared for children in serious children’s indictable offences which are dealt with in the District Court and has also been involved in the representation of children in the Supreme Court.

If you have questions, or seek further advice and representation please contact Caulfield Solicitors on (02) 8815 8125 or via email at

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